What is your cybersecurity persona?

You may be feeling confident that you can spot a phish that is trying to steal your password.  Perhaps you are diligent about changing it when you learn about your data leaked in a data breach.  However,  it could be that your passwords are easy to guess. 

If you are doing all the right things... is it strong enough to withstand brute-force attacks?
Brute force attacks are automated attempts to try every combination of every letter, number and punctuation symbol until a password is found.

Take this quiz and find out!

Before starting, think of one specific password you use.

Now, write it down here: ________

(Just kidding, never share your password!)

We have 2 options for this quiz, which one will you choose?

"The path of the Jedi" or "What is a Jedi?"

May the force be with you!

The path of the Jedi...

What is a jedi?

REMEMBER: It is estimated that if your password has 8 characters and includes lowercase and uppercase characters, numbers and special symbols, it would take less than 5 minutes to be cracked in a brute force attack.

If you use a 16-character password with upper and lowercase letters, the time increases to approximately 46 million years!

Even simpler passwords with a higher character count are less vulnerable to cracking in a short period of time.

If you want to have a play: https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/
(Don’t put your actual password in any password checker)

    Want to go a step further?

    Tiem if takes a hacker to brute force your password in 2023 by HIVE Systems

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